The 4 Day Ninja Challenge

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4 Day Ninja one pager.png
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The 4 Day Ninja Challenge


Change Your Approach to Change

Focus on People, not Process.

Your mission, as a change manager or leader in your field, is to find ways of helping others gain fresh insights to see things differently so they start to embrace, rather than fear, change.

The 4-day Ninja challenge is designed to help you navigate the complexities of change with stealth like Ninja moves that will result in the outcomes needed.

This interactive, story-based learning programme incorporates real-time application for real-life challenges to ensure immediate outcomes can be achieved.

Discount codes:

10% off for 2 courses. Use 8YRJBKV at checkout

20% of for 3 or more courses. Use XIFHQFM at checkout

Please note. A minimum number of participants is needed per course. If a course is undersubscribed I will offer alternative dates/times or issue a full refund.

Date (UK times):
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|Using neuroscience to understand why we respond to change the way we do |

|Make sure everyone thinks your idea is the best solution to their challenge|

|Understand the types of change and different leadership needs |

|Shift individual blockers that are getting the way of progress|